Art: Vicki Tierney
Inks: Diego Moreno
Cover Art: John Lang
Publisher: Alterna Comics
Released: May 25th 2016
If you've been here before, if you've seen my reviews of previous issues then you may be aware that I am a fan of Freelance Blues, this issue does nothing to change that.
The spectacularly creative minds of Daffern, Leone and Tierney have crafted another immensely enjoyable chapter in poor unfortunate Lance's tale. In #4 we find Lance working on a ranch trying to make an honest living but, as always, things take a sinister turn. In the previous issue Daffern and Leone began to hint at some underlying familial conspiracy behind Lance and the twins plight, and that juicy vein of story is continued here. The information is teased out skilfully and woven into the structure of the plot, keeping the readers attention. It's another example of superb writing, with the story crafted wonderfully, paced excellently and peppered with humour throughout, this series has become a fine paradigm of excellent comic writing and storytelling.
In Lance they have created an ultimately likeable protagonist, in fact it must be impossible to dislike him, each issue comes with a wonderfully thought out supporting cast too.
I'm unashamedly in awe of Tierney's artwork, each panel crackles with life and energy, she is an excellent storyteller and her artwork is the perfect companion to Daffern and Leone's script. This issue is no different and her artwork seems to get better and better the more I look at it. Her command of characters is particularly impressive and you can feel the life that she puts into each one.
This was a fantastic issue to read (twice.....ok three times) and I can't recommend it highly enough. Do yourself a favour and read it, if you haven't already dipped into this series then go back to the start and enjoy a shining example of excellent comics. Daffern, Leone and Tierney, thanks for the fun, I can't wait to see what's next.