Writers: Ian Daffern and Mike Leone
Artist: Becca T-R
Cover Art: John Lang
Publisher: Alterna Comics
Released: 27th July 2016
A mere glance at the above will indicate that this review is well over a month late/in the making. The reasons for this are personal, which makes them subjective and boring to anyone not involved, so I won't torment you with them. I have read comics in this period, but struggled with the drive and motivation to put into words how I feel. What has been important in this period of introspection has been the value that comics have to me, not mere financial face value, but something more intrinsic and dare I say spiritual. Comics have quite literally saved me. I have much more to explore surrounding this subject so look forward to further posts/essays.
Back though, to the matter at hand. Freelance Blues has been part of the healing process for me and issue 6 is the culmination of several months worth of storytelling rife with mystery and intrigue. Overall it's a satisfying denouement to a cracking story arc.
Lance is a compelling protagonist and I feel that most of his appeal resides in how readers are able to relate and identify with his struggle. Lance is really just a common man trying to make his way in the world and provide for his family. Who can say that they don't face that struggle most days in life? Lance ends up fighting monsters and beasts of myth, but this is just a weave of metaphor and hyperbole for what we mere humans view as our internal struggles externalised. Daffern and Leone have created the perfect foil for telling the story in this way, and with this issue they continue to tell this tale superbly. The pace picks up bringing the story to it's end nicely and revelations are exposed in great little pieces of storytelling and character work. I know it's been out a while now but I still won't include any spoilers just in case there are a few stragglers dragging their feet.
Now in the previous five issues the duty of art has fell to Vicki Tierney, taking up the pencil for this issue is Becca T-R, and to be honest the style of art is so similar that is almost indiscernible. There are only a few subtle differences in their styles that the storytelling doesn't suffer. Becca has a good grasp of the characters and the gifts of her art rest in it's ability to convey story, which for me is always the measure of a great comic artist. Tierney told the the first five issues excellently and I will always be a fan of hers, but T-R takes the reigns over just as well and brings the story to it's exciting conclusion.
As I've said, this issue has been around a while, so if you're following the series it's likely that you have already picked it up, so if you have then great, you'll love it too. However if you're completely new to the series and to Lance, then do yourself a favour, get all of the issues and immerse yourself in a wonderful world of storytelling.