Tuesday 27 October 2015

News on Alterna Comics

Now you may be aware that I wrote a lot of reviews for Alterna Comics. I do, there can be no denying it, nor would I want to. I'm on their press list so I get a new issue to review each week and several press releases from time to time. 
I enjoy reviewing their offerings and feel a sense of pride at helping to spread the love for independent and creator owned comics. There is so much fantastic work out there with so much potential, and Alterna give a voice to what would be otherwise unseen or unheard work. 

Testament to the impact that creator owned comics, particularly Alterna, are now having on the comic landscape is the fact that two of their titles on becoming available in print, sold out at distribution. FUBAR: By the sword and the blank cover introductory issue of Alterna's flagship title The Chair. This a remarkable achievement and you should try and pick up a copy for that reason alone. You'll find reviews of both books on this page.

If you're alone right now (even if you aren't) let this information soak in and just give Alterna Comics a little round of applause. Then dust off of your pens and start writing that story at the back of your head, you know the one that starts flirting around when you try and sleep, because you never know, it could be the next one sold out at distribution. 

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